National population estimates: At 30 June 2020
National population estimates give the best available measure of the population, by age and sex, usually living in New Zealand.
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National population estimates: At 30 June 2020
Excel spreadsheet, 27 KB
Key facts
At 30 June 2020:
- New Zealand’s estimated resident population was provisionally at 5,025,000
- there were 2,474,800 males and 2,550,100 females
- the median age of males and females was 36.3 and 38.6 years, respectively.
During the June 2020 year:
- New Zealand's population grew by 105,500, or 2.1 percent
- estimated natural increase (births minus deaths) was 26,100 and estimated net migration (migrant arrivals minus migrant departures) was 79,400.
These population estimates are subject to revision on 23 September 2020 to fully incorporate 2018 Census and census coverage results.
Access data in Infoshare
Use Infoshare to view and download time-series data for annual and quarterly national population estimates by single-year of age, five-year age groups, and selected age groups.
Subject category: Population
Group: Population estimates – DPE
Definitions and metadata
National population estimates – DataInfo+ gives general methodology used to produce national population estimates, and related metadata.
Media enquiries
Lennard Gui
021 285 9191
Technical enquiries
Pricila Henkes Maciel
04 931 4600
ISSN 1178-0576
Next releases
Estimated resident population (2018-base): At 30 June 2018 will be released on 23 September 2020.
National population estimates: At 30 September 2020 – Infoshare tables will be released on 17 November 2020.