Tatauranga umanga Māori – Statistics on Māori businesses: March 2022 quarter
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ka tū ake au i roto tōku whare Tatauranga Aotearoa
Ko te pātaka iringa kōrero o te tini, o te mano e
Mātakitaki whakawaho ki te ao pakihi, ki te ao umanga Māori rā
E maioha mai nei i a koutou mai i wīwī, mai i wāwā
Nau mai, haere mai, whakatau mai ki ēnei kohinga raraunga pakihi, raraunga umanga.
E ōku rau Rangatira
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
I stand inside my house of Statistics New Zealand
The storehouse of information from the multitudes
Looking outwardly to the business sector and Māori business entities
Welcoming you from the far reaches
Greetings, welcome to this collection of business statistics.
Tatauranga umanga Māori – Statistics on Māori businesses: March 2022 quarter presents information on one subset of Māori businesses that contribute to our country’s economy. This release includes data on Māori authorities and their subsidiaries. It does not cover all Māori businesses in Aotearoa New Zealand, and therefore changes published here may not reflect entire industry movements. The Tatauranga umanga Māori population has changed between the December 2021 quarter release and this release, therefore figures may differ from the previous release.
Download data
Tatauranga umanga Māori ‒ Statistics on Māori businesses: March 2022 quarter ‒ CSV
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Tatauranga umanga Māori ‒ Statistics on Māori businesses: March 2022 quarter
Excel spreadsheet, 59 KB
Key facts
Māori authorities are defined as businesses that receive, manage, and/or administer assets held in common ownership by iwi and Māori. Māori authorities are largely identified through their tax codes as registered with Inland Revenue.
All figures are actual values and are not adjusted for seasonal effects.
In the March 2022 quarter:
- 1,454 Māori authorities and subsidiaries were in the Tatauranga umanga Māori population.
- The total value of sales by Māori authorities was $906 million, up $40 million (4.7 percent) compared with the March 2021 quarter.
- The total value of purchases by Māori authorities was $669 million, up $106 million (18.7 percent) compared with the March 2021 quarter.
- The total number of filled jobs for Māori authorities was 11,560.
- The total value of earnings by employees of Māori authorities was $194 million.
- Māori authorities exported $186 million worth of goods, around 35 percent of which was to China.
Business financial data
Industry sales and purchases in the March 2022 quarter were:
- primary industries ‒ $306 million in sales, $223 million in purchases
- goods-producing industries ‒ $197 million in sales, $186 million in purchases
- services industries ‒ $404 million in sales, $260 million in purchases.
Due to the small number of Māori authorities in the Tatauranga umanga Māori population, some industries have been grouped together to allow more data to be released.
Primary industries include:
- agriculture, forestry, and fishing
- mining.
Goods-producing industries include:
- manufacturing
- electricity, gas, water, and waste services
- construction.
Services industries include:
- wholesale trade
- retail trade and accommodation
- transport, postal, and warehousing
- information media and telecommunications
- financial and insurance services
- rental, hiring, and real estate services
- professional, scientific, technical, administrative, and support services
- public administration and safety
- education and training
- health care and social assistance
- arts, recreation, and other services.
Changes in the value of sales by Māori authorities and subsidiaries for the March 2022 quarter compared with the March 2021 quarter were:
- professional, scientific, technical, administrative, and support services, up $22 million (26.4 percent)
- health care and social assistance, up $21 million (43.4 percent)
- arts, recreation, and other services, up $10 million (49.6 percent)
- other services industries, up $10 million (7.5 percent)
- goods-producing industries, up $6 million (3.3 percent)
- rental, hiring, and real estate services, down $5 million (7.0 percent)
- primary industries, down $24 million (7.4 percent).
Business employment data
For Māori authorities and subsidiaries in the March 2022 quarter compared with the March 2021 quarter:
- the number of filled jobs for men was 5,150, up 320 jobs (6.6 percent)
- the number of filled jobs for women was 6,410, up 800 jobs (14.3 percent)
- the value of total earnings for men was $98 million, up $10 million (11.4 percent)
- the value of total earnings for women was $96 million, up $16 million (19.9 percent).
Changes in the number of filled jobs for Māori authorities and subsidiaries in the March 2022 quarter compared with the March 2021 quarter were:
- health care and social assistance, up 530 jobs (33.2 percent)
- professional, scientific, technical, administrative, and support services, up 330 jobs (19.2 percent)
- arts, recreation, and other services, up 220 jobs (37.5 percent)
- rental, hiring, and real estate services, up 70 jobs (19.0 percent)
- other services industries, up 30 jobs (1.2 percent)
- primary industries, down 30 jobs (1.1 percent)
- goods-producing industries, down 30 jobs (2.9 percent).
Changes in the total earnings by employees of Māori authorities and subsidiaries in the March 2022 quarter compared with the March 2021 quarter were:
- health care and social assistance, up $9 million (38.4 percent)
- professional, scientific, technical, administrative, and support services, up $7 million (21.8 percent)
- arts, recreation, and other services, up $4 million (48.3 percent)
- rental, hiring, and real estate services, up $3 million (47.2 percent)
- primary industries, up $2 million (5.0 percent)
- other services industries, up $1 million (2.5 percent)
- goods-producing industries, up $0.4 million (2.2 percent).
Goods exports
- In the March 2022 quarter compared with the March 2021 quarter, total goods exports by Māori authorities rose $3 million (1.8 percent) to $186 million.
- China was the top export partner, with $65 million worth of commodities exported in the March 2022 quarter, just over a third of all exports by Māori authorities.
- Exports of milk powder, butter, and cheese in the March 2022 quarter was $58 million, up $23 million (65.8 percent) from the March 2021 quarter.
Help improve this release
This is the second quarterly release of Māori business statistics data from Stats NZ and we would love your feedback on it. If you want to give your thoughts on this release, please get in touch with Geraldine Duoba at geraldine.duoba@stats.govt.nz.
Definitions and metadata
Tatauranga Umanga Māori – Statistics on Māori businesses: quarterly – DataInfo+ provides general methodology and definitions relevant for Māori business statistics.
Media enquiries
Sandi Reily
021 285 9191
Technical enquiries
Kimberley Hitchcox
03 964 8933
ISSN 2744-6417
Next releases
Tatauranga umanga Māori – Statistics on Māori businesses: 2021 will be released on 25 August 2022.
Tatauranga umanga Māori – Statistics on Māori businesses: June 2022 quarter will be released on 6 October 2022.