Stats NZ

Businesses offer employees work-style choices

Four out of five businesses across Aotearoa New Zealand offered flexible working hours to their employees in 2023, according to data released by Stats NZ today.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Percentage of businessesFlexible work and support options available to employees, 2023Flexible working hoursOption of part-time workSupport for mental health and wellbeingSupport for physical health and wellbeingOption to work from homeProvisions for parental leave beyond what is required by lawProvisions for redundancy, illness, or injury beyond what is requiredby lawProvisions for redundancy, illness, or injury beyond what is required by law0510152025303540455055606570758085Stats NZ

Flexible work and support options available to employees, 2023

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Percentage of businessesFlexible work and support options available to employees, 2023Percentage of businessesFlexible working hoursOption of part-time workSupport for mental health and wellbeingSupport for physical health and wellbeingOption to work from homeProvisions for parental leave beyond what is required by lawProvisions for redundancy, illness, or injury beyond what is requiredby lawProvisions for redundancy, illness, or injury beyond what is required by law0510152025303540455055606570758085Stats NZ
ItemPercentage of businesses
Flexible working hours 81
Option of part-time work 77
Support for mental health and wellbeing53
Support for physical health and wellbeing48
Option to work from home43
Provisions for parental leave beyond what is required by law27
Provisions for redundancy, illness, or injury beyond what is required by law25

The offer of flexible working hours increases to 90 percent for large businesses (those with 100 or more employees).

The option of flexible working hours was more likely to be available in the following industries:

  • professional, scientific, and technical services (95 percent)
  • information media and telecommunications (94 percent)
  • financial and insurance services (92 percent).

Part-time work was the second-most popular offer relating to flexible work and support provisions.

“Larger businesses were more likely to offer health and wellbeing support, and to offer beyond what is required by law for parental leave, redundancy, and illness or injury provisions,” business performance manager Ricky Ho said.

“More than 2 out of 5 businesses offered their employees the option of working from home, and 14 percent of their staff took up this option on a working day.”

The industry most likely to make this offer was the information media and telecommunications industry (86 percent). This was followed by financial and insurance services (84 percent) and professional, scientific, and technical services (81 percent).

Within the information media and telecommunications industry, 30 percent of staff worked from home on a typical day in 2023.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14IndustryPercentage of staffWorking from home on a working day, by industry, 2023Information media & telecommunicationsProfessional, scientific, & technical servicesFinancial & insurance servicesEducation & trainingAdministrative & support servicesWholesale tradeTransport, postal, & warehousingRental, hiring, & real estate servicesElectricity, gas, water, & waste servicesArts & recreation servicesMiningAccommodation & food servicesManufacturingAgriculture, forestry, & fishingRetail tradeConstructionOther servicesHealth care & social assistance01020302.557.512.51517.522.52527.532.5Stats NZ

Working from home on a working day, by industry, 2023

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Percentage of staffWorking from home on a working day, by industry, 2023Percentage of businessesInformation media & telecommunicationsFinancial & insurance servicesAdministrative & support servicesTransport, postal, & warehousingElectricity, gas, water, & waste servicesMiningManufacturingRetail tradeOther services02468101214161820222426283032Stats NZ
IndustryPercentage of businesses
Information media & telecommunications30
Professional, scientific, & technical services23
Financial & insurance services23
Education & training20
Administrative & support services18
Wholesale trade17
Transport, postal, & warehousing15
Rental, hiring, & real estate services14
Electricity, gas, water, & waste services14
Arts & recreation services11
Accommodation & food services9
Agriculture, forestry, & fishing8
Retail trade8
Other services7
Health care & social assistance7

The industries that were less likely to offer the option of working from home were:

  • accommodation and food services (10 percent)
  • agriculture, forestry, and fishing (16 percent)
  • other services, eg, repair and maintenance (25 percent).

The Business Operations Survey reports on businesses with six or more employees.

Businesses were surveyed from August to November 2023. The survey included questions on business operations, innovation, business practices, and climate change.

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