Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2016: Statistics on Māori businesses
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ka tu ake au i rō tōku whare Tatauranga Aotearoa
Ko te pātaka iringa kōrero o te tini, o te mano e
Matakitaki whakawaho ki te ao pākihi, ki te ao ūmanga Māori ra
E maiohā mai nei i a koutou mai wīwī, mai wāwā
Nau mai, haere mai, whakatau mai ki ēnei kohinga raraunga a pākihi, a Ūmanga.
E ōku rau rangatira mā
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
I stand inside my house of Statistics New Zealand
The store house of information from the multitudes
Looking outwardly to the business sector and Māori business entities
Welcoming you from the far reaches
Greetings, welcome to this collection of business statistics.
To this stately gathering
Acknowledgements, salutations, and greetings.
About Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2016
Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2016: Statistics on Māori businesses presents information on two subsets of Māori businesses that contribute to our country’s economy – Māori authorities and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
It identifies the importance of Māori authorities to the economy through their strong and responsible financial management and investment approaches, and continued growth based on strong connections with the land and the sea.
The report also illustrates the vibrant entrepreneurial nature of Māori businesses. The statistics show the innovators who work in these SMEs are willing to take risks and break into new markets with new products. We trust that readers interested in Māori business and economic development, such as Māori authorities, Māori entrepreneurs, and government agencies working with them, will find this information useful.
Note: on 3 November 2017 we updated some of the information relating to exports in this report.
Stats NZ has a goal to ‘unleash the power of data’ to support decision making ‘to change lives’. We are therefore pleased to present Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2016: Statistics on Māori businesses.
Download documents
Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2016: Statistics on Māori businesses
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1.4 MB
Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2016, financial position of Māori authorities – tables
Excel spreadsheet, 83 KB
Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2016: Metadata for CSV tables
Excel spreadsheet, 121 KB
Tatauranga Umanga Māori 2016: Statistics for Māori businesses – CSV
ZIP compressed file, 11 KB
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ISBN 978-0-908350-52-0