Pakistani ethnic group
Find 2018 Census data for the Pakistani ethnic group. Ethnicity has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality. Topics include population, birthplace, ethnicity, health, employment, income, and education.
Population characteristics
Find our population count by age and sex. Also find where we live now, where we lived a year before the census, and number of children born.
Population counts
Find information about the number of people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group for the census usually resident population, how old they are, and how many are male or female.
The census usually resident population count variable is rated as very high quality. Census usually resident population count has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
Quick stats about population counts for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Population counts, over time
Population for the Pakistani and ethnic groups, 2006–18 Censuses
2006 (count) | 2013 (count) | 2018 (count) | |
Pakistani | loading data... | loading data... | loading data... |
loading data... | loading data... | loading data... |
Population, by age and sex
Population, by regional council
Find information about where people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group lived a year before the 2018 Census, and for those born overseas, the number of years since arriving in New Zealand to live.
The usual residence one year ago variable is rated as poor quality. Māori have higher rates of missing data for usual residence one year ago than the total population, and caution is advised when interpreting results. Usual residence one year ago has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
The years since arrival in New Zealand variable is rated as high quality. Years since arrival in New Zealand has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
The usual residence one year ago information is for the census usually resident population, and the years since arrival in New Zealand information is for the overseas-born census usually resident population.
Quick stats about migration for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Usual residence one year ago
Years since arrival in New Zealand
Number of children born
Find information about the number of children born to each female aged 15 years and over who identifies with the Pakistani ethnic group. This does not include stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, and wards of the state.
The number of children born variable is rated as moderate quality. Number of children born has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the female census usually resident population aged 15 years and over.
Quick stats about number of children born for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Number of children born, over time
Ethnicity, culture, and identity
Find out how many ethnic groups we belong to, the countries we were born in, the number of languages we speak, and the religions we affiliate with.
Number of ethnic groups
Find information about the number of ethnic groups people of the Pakistani ethnic group identify with.
The ethnicity variable is rated as high quality. Ethnicity has more information about these variables, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population.
Quick stat about number of ethnic groups for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Number of ethnic groups, over time
Find information about the countries where people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group were born.
The birthplace variable is rated as high quality. Birthplace has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population.
Quick stats about birthplace for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Birthplace, over time
Birthplace, by age
Birthplace, by age group, for the Pakistani ethnic group, 2006–18 Censuses
Age group (years) | 2006 (%) | 2013 (%) | 2018 (%) | |
NZ born | Under 15 years | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15–29 years | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
30–64 years | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
65 years and over | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Overseas born | Under 15 years | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15–29 years | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
30–64 years | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
65 years and over | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of languages spoken
Find information about the languages spoken by people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group, including New Zealand Sign Language.
The 2018 Census Ethnic group summaries tables have more detailed data about languages spoken.
The languages spoken variable is rated as high quality. Languages spoken has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population.
Quick stats about number of languages spoken for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Number of languages spoken, over time
Number of languages spoken, by age
Number of languages spoken, by age group, for the Pakistani ethnic group, 2018 Census
Under 15 years (%) | 15–29 years (%) | 30–64 years (%) | 65 years and over (%) | |
None | ||||
One language | ||||
Two languages | ||||
Three languages | ||||
Four languages | ||||
Five languages | ||||
Six languages |
Find information about the religions people in the Pakistani ethnic group identified with, from those who affiliated with Christian, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam, to those who reported no religion.
The religious affiliation variable is rated as high quality. Religious affiliation has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population.
Quick stat about religion for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Religious affiliation, over time
Cigarette smoking behaviour
Find information about the proportion of people identifying with the Pakistani ethnic group who smoke tobacco cigarettes regularly, used to smoke, or never smoked. This does not include the smoking of tobacco in cigars, pipes, or e-cigarettes (vape devices).
The cigarette smoking behaviour variable is rated as moderate quality. Cigarette smoking behaviour has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population aged 15 years and over.
Quick stats about cigarette smoking behaviour for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Cigarette smoking behaviour, over time
Cigarette smoking behaviour, Pakistani compared with
Regular smokers, by age and sex
Work, income, and unpaid activities
Find out about our work and labour force, the occupations we have, how much we earn, and how many people spend time on unpaid activities.
Find information about the proportion of people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group who are employed full time (30 hours or more per week) or part time (fewer than 30 hours per week), unemployed, or not in the labour force (not actively seeking work or not available for work).
The work and labour force status variable is rated as high quality. Work and labour force status has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population aged 15 years and over.
Quick stats about work for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Work and labour force status, over time
Work and labour force status, Pakistani compared with
Work and labour force status, by age and sex
Work and labour force status, by age and sex, for the Pakistani ethnic group, 2018 Census
Males | Females | |||||
15–29 years (%) | 30–64 years (%) | 65 years and over (%) | 15–29 years (%) | 30–64 years (%) | 65 years and over (%) | |
Employed full time | ||||||
Employed part time | ||||||
Unemployed | ||||||
Not in labour force |
Find information about the occupations held by people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group, from managers and professionals, to community and personal service workers, and labourers.
The occupation variable is rated as moderate quality. Occupation has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the employed census usually resident population aged 15 years and over.
Quick stats about occupation for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Occupations, Pakistani compared with
Occupations, by sex
Find information about the amount of income earned by people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group in the 12 months ended 31 March 2018.
The total personal income variable is rated as high quality. Total personal income has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population aged 15 years and over.
Quick stats about income for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Personal income, Pakistani compared with
Personal income, by sex
Sources of personal income
Unpaid activities
Find information about the types of unpaid activities the people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group reported doing in the four weeks before 6 March 2018, including household work, looking after a child, helping a disabled person, and other voluntary work.
The unpaid activities variable is rated as poor quality. Māori and Pacific peoples have higher rates of missing data for unpaid activities than the total population, and caution is advised when interpreting results. Unpaid activities has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population aged 15 years and over.
Quick stats about unpaid activities for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Unpaid activities, by sex
Education and training
Find out about our participation in education and training, and the highest qualifications we attained.
Study participation
Find information about the proportion of people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group who are in full-time study (20 hours or more per week), part-time study (less than 20 hours a week), or not studying.
The study participation variable is rated as moderate quality. Study participation has more information about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population.
Quick stat about study participation for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Study participation, Pakistani compared with
Find information about the highest qualifications formally gained by people who identify with the Pakistani ethnic group, from certificates and diplomas to bachelor’s and post-graduate degrees. This also includes no qualification and overseas secondary school qualification.
The highest qualification variable is rated as moderate quality. Qualifications: highest qualification has more about this variable, for example, definitions and data quality.
This information is for the census usually resident population aged 15 years and over.
Quick stats about qualifications for the Pakistani ethnic group (2018 Census)
Highest qualifications, over time
Highest qualifications, by birthplace, for the Pakistani ethnic group, 2006–18 Censuses
2006 (%) | 2013 (%) | 2018 (%) | ||
NZ born | No qualification | |||
Level 1 certificate | ||||
Level 2 certificate | ||||
Level 3 certificate | ||||
Level 4 certificate | ||||
Level 5 diploma | ||||
Level 6 diploma | ||||
Bachelor’s degree and level 7 qualification | ||||
Post-graduate and honours degrees | ||||
Master’s degree | ||||
Doctorate degree | ||||
Overseas secondary school qualification | ||||
Overseas born | No qualification | |||
Level 1 certificate | ||||
Level 2 certificate | ||||
Level 3 certificate | ||||
Level 4 certificate | ||||
Level 5 diploma | ||||
Level 6 diploma | ||||
Bachelor’s degree and level 7 qualification | ||||
Post-graduate and honours degrees | ||||
Master’s degree | ||||
Doctorate degree | ||||
Overseas secondary school qualification |
Highest qualifications, by age and sex
Highest qualifications, by age and sex, for the Pakistani ethnic group, 2018 Census
15–29 years (%) | 30–64 years (%) | 65 years and over (%) | ||
Males | No qualification | |||
Level 1 certificate | ||||
Level 2 certificate | ||||
Level 3 certificate | ||||
Level 4 certificate | ||||
Level 5 diploma | ||||
Level 6 diploma | ||||
Bachelor’s degree and level 7 qualification | ||||
Post-graduate and honours degrees | ||||
Master’s degree | ||||
Doctorate degree | ||||
Overseas secondary school qualification | ||||
Females | No qualification | |||
Level 1 certificate | ||||
Level 2 certificate | ||||
Level 3 certificate | ||||
Level 4 certificate | ||||
Level 5 diploma | ||||
Level 6 diploma | ||||
Bachelor’s degree and level 7 qualification | ||||
Post-graduate and honours degrees | ||||
Master’s degree | ||||
Doctorate degree | ||||
Overseas secondary school qualification |
Highest qualifications, Pakistani compared with
More data and information
Datasets, reports, and information about the 2018 Census data.
Data and statistics
Download all data found in the 2018 Census ethnic group summaries. These tables provide data for ethnic groups at all levels of the ethnicity classification.
- 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – CSV (zipped file, 2.8MB)
- 2018 Census ethnic group summaries – Microsoft Excel (zipped file, 13.5MB)
Use NZ.Stat to view and download 2018 Census data.
2018 Census place summaries – 2018 Census data about New Zealand’s communities.
Latest reports and publications from the 2018 Census – see the latest statistics from the 2018 Census and information about how they are produced.
About the data
2018 Census of Population and Dwellings – DataInfo+ provides information about methods, and related metadata.
2018 Census information by variable and quality – DataInfo+ provides information about the variables and their quality.
See the 2018 Census map gallery to compare population and dwelling data for the 2018 and 2013 Censuses on interactive maps, including maps to visualise New Zealand’s population density and ethnic diversity.
Census forms
View samples of the paper forms for the 2018 Census:
Guide notes for the 2018 Census of Population and Dwellings.
About the 2018 Census dataset
We combined data from the census forms with administrative data to create the 2018 Census dataset, which meets Stats NZ’s quality criteria for population structure information.
We added real data about real people to the dataset where we were confident the people should be counted but hadn’t completed a census form. We also used data from the 2013 Census and administrative sources and statistical imputation methods to fill in some missing characteristics of people and dwellings.
Data Quality for 2018 Census provides more information on the quality of the 2018 Census data. An independent panel of experts has assessed the quality of the 2018 Census dataset. The panel has endorsed Stats NZ's overall methods and concluded that the use of government administrative records has improved the coverage of key variables such as age, sex, ethnicity, and place. The panel's Initial report of the 2018 Census External Data Quality Panel (September 2019), assessed the methodologies used by Stats NZ to produce the final dataset, as well as the quality of some of the key variables. Its second report (December 2019) assessed an additional 31 variables.
In its third report, Final report of the 2018 Census External Data Quality Panel (February 2020), the panel made 24 recommendations, several relating to preparations for the 2023 Census. Along with this report, the panel, supported by Stats NZ, produced a series of graphs summarising the sources of data for key 2018 Census individual variables, 2018 Census External Data Quality Panel: Data sources for key 2018 Census individual variables.
The Quick guide to the 2018 Census outlines the key changes we introduced as we prepared for the 2018 Census, and the changes we made once collection was complete.
The geographic boundaries are as at 1 January 2018. See Statistical standard for geographic areas 2018.
The 2018 Census confidentiality rules have been applied to 2006, 2013, and 2018 Census data. These rules protect the confidentiality of individuals, families, households, dwellings, and undertakings in 2018 Census data.
Counts are calculated using fixed random rounding to base 3 (FRR3), and suppression of ‘sensitive’ counts less than six, where tables report multiple geographic variables and/or small populations. Individual figures may not always sum to stated totals.
Measures like means, medians, and other quantiles are calculated from unrounded counts, with input noise added to or subtracted from each contributing value during measures calculation. Means and medians based on less than six individuals are suppressed. This suppression threshold changes for other quantiles.
For categories with small populations, the median reported may differ from that expected because of the effects of noise and rounding. Caution is advised when using median data in small populations.
For more information on the most recent 2018 Census confidentiality rules, see Applying confidentiality rules to 2018 Census data and summary of changes since 2013.