Income statistics give information about the money people get from employment and other sources.
Income may be earnings from wages and salaries or self-employment. It can also come from government or other transfers, like benefits or investments.
The statistics cover the working-age population of New Zealand.
Stats NZ produces several measures of income. There is no definitive income measure – each is used for different purposes and has its own strengths and weaknesses.
User guide for Stats NZ's wage and income measures (PDF, 325 KB) summarises these measures and how they are used.
Latest information releases about income
People, families and households, location, and housing: 2023 Census
2023 Census topic tables in Aotearoa Data Explorer provide data about people, location, families and households, and housing, by geographic areas and time periods.
Linked employer-employee data: March 2023 year
Annual linked employer-employee data (LEED) provides person-level statistics for the March year about New Zealanders’ interaction with the labour market and their sources of income.
Employment indicators: October 2024
Employment indicators provide an early indication of changes in the labour market.
Linked employer-employee data: September 2023 quarter
Quarterly linked employer-employee data (LEED) provides statistics on filled jobs, job flows, worker flows, mean and median earnings for continuing jobs and new hires, and total earnings.
Latest publications about income
People, families and households, location, and housing: 2023 Census
2023 Census topic tables in Aotearoa Data Explorer provide data about people, location, families and households, and housing, by geographic areas and time periods.
Linked employer-employee data: March 2023 year
Annual linked employer-employee data (LEED) provides person-level statistics for the March year about New Zealanders’ interaction with the labour market and their sources of income.
Employment indicators: October 2024
Employment indicators provide an early indication of changes in the labour market.
Making community data more accessible for all of Aotearoa New Zealand
Stats NZ launched its online Place and ethnic group summaries tool today.
CSV files for download
CSV files for download has data from Infoshare and Stats NZ information releases.
Tools with data about income
Place and ethnic group summaries
Explore statistics about the population by region, district, and smaller areas, and by ethnic group.
Aotearoa Data Explorer
Our new data tool, replacing NZ.Stat, for searching data, creating filtered visualisations and downloadable data tables.
2013 Census QuickStats about a place
Find out how to get 2013 Census statistics by place.
2018 Census place summaries
Find stats about the population by region, city or district, Auckland local board area, and statistical area 2 (small area).
Build tables from our biggest range of datasets, including long-term time series. View on screen or download Excel or CSV files.
NZ social indicators
The data in these indicators is no longer being updated. Explore data on a range of key New Zealand social statistics.
NZ progress indicators
The data in these indicators is no longer being updated. Get a picture of how well we are living, how resources are being distributed and used, and what we are leaving for future generations.
Get statistical metadata – what we measure, definitions, and how we produce statistics.
Geographic data service
Search, browse, and download geographic boundaries and maps for New Zealand, plus a selection of 2018 and 2013 Census spatial data.
Find and download concepts and definitions, classifications, concordances, and standards used for data and statistical activities across government.
2013 Census ethnic group profiles
Find statistics from the 2013 Census about the different ethnic groups living in New Zealand.
2013 Census iwi profiles
Find statistics from the 2013 Census about iwi and iwi groupings.
Information about data
Get technical information such as classifications used, survey design, and a glossary of statistical terms.
Metadata in DataInfo+
DataInfo+ has metadata about our statistical collections and classifications, and questionnaires and forms.
DataInfo+ concepts gives definitions of terms used by Stats NZ.
Labour market statistics – DataInfo+ gives information about our labour market releases, including methodology, definitions, and classifications.
Quarterly Employment Survey – DataInfo+ gives information about the Quarterly Employment Survey, including methodology, definitions, and classifications.
Methods, sources, and user guides
Income data available in Labour Market Statistics tells you how to get data and information about income now we no longer run the New Zealand Income Survey.
User guide for Stats NZ's wage and income measures
This guide provides overviews of selected income measures and how they are used, as well their design and purpose.
User guide for Stats NZ's wage and income measures (4th ed)
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 318 KB